Lions Wood Banquet Furniture

Author: Brian R. | August 9, 2018

The Problem

Lion’s Wood Banquet Furniture, a division of Bosley Mouldings, had a problem. They had a project to design a custom steel beverage cart for an internationally renowned hotel chain, but their steel fabricator seemed incapable of producing the kind of accuracy and quality required. It was time for a change.

CEO Marty Schwartz needed to find a manufacturing partner that could build the light stainless steel chassis to exact specifications that would accommodate other pre-fabricated parts. He also needed an expert who could help them tweak their design for cost savings and scalability in case they needed to fulfill large orders quickly. He spoke with 10 different manufacturers and met with four, but it was clear that Summit Steel was the answer.

The Solution

We utilized our expertise in 2D laser cutting, bending, forming, welding and assembly to create the steel chassis for the beverage cart in an extremely tight timeline. We didn’t just fabricate, we reverse engineered their design, then helped alter it to improve visual elements, manufacturing efficiency and product quality. We helped them make it cheaper, faster and better. The prototype was delivered on time, within budget and immediately led to an order for many more units, including plans to order and implement this product in many more of their locations.

The Results

Lion’s Wood trusted our work so much that they allowed us to ship the prototype straight to their client, saving them both time and money. The client was so pleased with the results that they have ordered many more carts, and Lion’s Wood is working to pitch the design to other hospitality businesses. They love our work, and we couldn’t be happier.

“Summit Steel made us feel that, not only could they provide what we needed, but they actually wanted to do it.” – Marty Schwartz, Lion’s Wood CEO.

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