Benefits of Using Stainless Steel for Your Metal Fabrication Project

July 30, 2018

Why Choose Stainless Steel?

Stainless steel offers advantages for many products. If a product is made of stainless steel, you often see this fact displayed prominently on its packaging, if not on the product itself. But what about stainless steel advantages for metal fabrication? Is it better for you to use stainless steel in your metal fabrication products? Depending upon your industry, there can be many benefits of stainless steel for metal fabrication, including:

  • Corrosion resistance: The main selling point of stainless steel is its ability to fight rust. If you are interested in selling rust-free products, stainless steel is a logical choice for you. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron and chromium, which bonds with oxygen before it can get to the iron and create rust.
  • Sustainability: Stainless steel is 100% recyclable. If your company, like many companies in the modern world, are concerned about the environmental impact of your manufacturing and products, using stainless steel is a great way to mitigate some of that impact.
  • Temperature resistance: Stainless steel is well-known for its ability to withstand heat, which means it is ideal for products that may be subjected to more extreme temperatures, like water heaters or pressure valves.
  • Ease of use: A good metal fabricator should have no problem working with stainless steel to fabricate your products. With the right equipment, stainless steel is quite easy to weld, cut and stamp.
  • Hygienic benefit: Stainless steel is very easy to keep clean. This means it is perfect for applications where sanitary conditions are a must, such as commercial kitchens, pharmaceutical research or food and beverage processing.
  • Appearance standard: Stainless steel doesn’t stain or rust, and is easy to keep clean. Stainless steel products just look like they are of higher quality, because they are.

Contact Fairlawn Tool, Inc. For Stainless Steel Metal Fabrication And All Your Metal Fabrication Needs

If you need stainless steel metal contract manufacturing, the company you need to know is Fairlawn Tool, Inc. We excel in all types of metal fabrication services and are happy to use stainless steel in your products if that is your request. As a full-service, single-source metal fabricator, we can design your entire stainless-steel project from start to finish and do it without the need to outsource any of the work, meaning you save time and money with fewer headaches.

For information about how we can efficiently handle your stainless steel fabrication project, call us at 410-449-7264 or contact us online today.

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